Cycling Resource Centre.
An initiative of the Australian National Cycling Strategy 2005-2010
In November 2011 the website released a complete map of low-traffic zones in Madrid. The map is the product of a year of research and development and contributes to making the city more accessible by bicycle.

The map shows that it is possible to reach any point in Madrid by bicycle using low-traffic streets and streets with gentle slopes. Being able to visualise the street network with little motorised traffic helps cyclists to cross the city without interruptions. The map shows low-traffic streets, those streets which have less than 10,000 motorised vehicles per day, and streets with up to 20,000 vehicles which have more than one lane and little slope.
The map offers additional information useful for cyclists, including: types of streets (low-traffic, restricted traffic, cycle lanes, cycle paths without asphalt, cycle lanes on pedestrian walkways), the indication of slopes (streets with a gradient of up to 4% in longer parts, and up to 6% in shorter parts) and complex crossroads which may present problems for new cyclists not yet used to riding in city traffic.
Other elements depicted in the plan are the commuter rail stations for intermodal transportation, as bicycles are allowed on board. A scale is included which helps users to calculate trip time according to distance, slope and crossroads.
The website is in Spanish.
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